{Mother's Day Weekend!!}

Monday, May 12, 2008
This weekend was the first time in a long time where Ryan and I didn't find ourselves on the couch exhausted from taking care of Braeden. It seemed like this weekend would never end. Ryan had Saturday off, so we actually got an extra day together which was nice. Friday night was the Vu (I had won an office party, Saturday was Ashli's birthday BBQ, bowling, and Sevens, and of course, Sunday was MOTHER'S DAY!!

Can you tell we had to get a little creative with the toothpicks?

SUNDAY finally came around and it was a huge day for Ryan, Braeden and I. Braeden was dedicated at my Church, Broaday Christian, and afterwards my family and I went out to eat at a small restaurant called Heuers ... yum! Then, we celebrated my FIRST MOTHER'S DAY!! That sounds incredibly weird to me still! This was also Ryan and I's anniversary.

1 comment:

jess said...

Happy First Mothers Day!! What a fun time for you.

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