{The Cake}
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

{I've Been Busy}
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First thing was rehearsal invites and plans. I was able to get all the addresses out to Dorothy today (she is making the invites ... what a lovely gesture.) As for me, I set up shop today at Kinkos and was able to print off our menu cards and program covers ... whew, it was a job. But, everything is complete and I am feeling pretty good about everything thus far.
Next step ... stupid programs themselves ... flower fixes (my floral designer QUIT!) and toasting glasses ... what a week :) Don't let me fool you ... I love this!
{Rehearsal Dinner Dress!}
Friday, July 25, 2008
So now I guess I have to find a cute pair of white shoes!!
{Mondays ...}
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
What really makes me mad, is that I have been searching for a month now for an aisle runner. Origionally I was looking for something similar to what Jessica Simpson used for her aisle runner, but I didn't have any luck. No one even knew what I was talking about even after I showed them pictures ... annoying ... but it gets worse... I finally find this site, and absolutly LOVE the aisle runners.

So I email them for prices, locations, etc ... and you know what I get ... an automated response back saying, "i'm sorry, we are will be gone for several months and will not be able to process your order, please visit us again soon, thank you."
Now, i'm just pissed ... where am I going to find an aisle runner???
{Wedding Shower}
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
All of my bridesmaids (minus Linds) but Ashley stepped in to be the honorary 6th bridesmaid!
Ashli had Ryan & I's monogram put on the cake!
Love is in the air!
Roomies Reunited!
Two very special friends, Melissa & Kaalan
You didn't think we wouldn't play fun bridal shower games did you?
Even Braeden got to enjoy the festivities!
So thank you to everyone to had a hand in making my bridal shower so special. I can't wait to hang out with all of you again for the bachelorette party! WOOWHOOO! 54 Days and counting for the wedding ... I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it!!
{Zero to One Hundred and Eighty Five ...}
Monday, July 7, 2008
Here is Ryan waiting in line, he just put on his helmet ... One more person to go!!
Here is Ryan taking off .... WOW!! And just watch how fast they are going. You actually go from zero to one hundred and eighty five in seconds. The drivers actually get so close to the wall and other drivers, you literally think you are going to crash ... amazing!!
So Ryan gets done racing and heads over the the check in both, asks if there are any other rides available, and seriously hands him his credit card and says, "Natty, you are going!" haha, so of course I was like ... "ok" I never get to do anything really exhilarating and I just had to get in one of those cars.
Here are some of my pictures ... Can you believe I actually did that!!