{Kitchen Face Lift}

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thought I would post pictures of my kitchen face lift now while it's still clean! :) I will have a lot more to post in the next couple of days of Braeden's first birthday party, but for now, the kitchen will have to do. I still have some small things to finish, but those will come with time.

Without further ado ... here is our new kitchen on a small budget!


jess said...

Oh my gosh, love the make-over!! Looks beautiful!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! So modern! Great job.

Sweet Simplicity said...

It looks so good! I love it!

Staci said...

You did a great job. Awesome makeover!


The Gallup Family said...

You did a great job!

Emily Mc. said...

Great job!!

Abramyan Avenue said...

wow! what a difference! love the makeover!! yall did an amazing job!!

Anonymous said...

Love all the before pictures! We did beadboard in our breakfast nook and it makes such a difference!! You did a great job!!!

bee blesssed

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