Today we actually got a lot done. I was able to make our ornaments this year by going to michaels and purchasing kind of (diy) ornaments. I got the idea from another blog, and I couldn't help myself ... I had to try this at home!! How do you think they turned out?

I was also able to finish my Christmas Cards. I usually wait until the week of Christmas to do them (not because I plan it that way, it just always happens) so this year I got a head start! Yea Me! I don't know if any of you remember, but a couple of weeks ago I told you all that I was going to have good news to announce ... it took a little longer than I expected, but I am happy to say that NEXT week :) I will be able to fill everyone in!! Keep checkin in!!

I have been waiting on the news...I can't believe you have kept us waiting, but like I said I have my guesses
God bless you..
Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting....Good Luck...Welcome to my blog... Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
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