{Going BoNkErS}

Friday, January 23, 2009
This morning my mops group (mothers of preschoolers) had their monthly outing to Going Bonkers. If you have never heard of it, it's an arcade/ball pit/climbing etc fun house. It's pretty cheap and hours of fun for the kids. Braeden, being only 1, got in for free and had a BLLAASST!

He was running all over the place, going down slides, playing in the ball pits, and just was able to be a kid. At the house there are so many restricted areas for him, and their he could just run wild.

Couldn't help but post a few pictures from this morning :)


Sweet Simplicity said...

What a fun place! And he got in free--even better!

J said...

SO ADORABLE!!! He is just so darn cute...I need to give him some huge hugs!!!

Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...


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