(this is probably going to be graphic, so read at your own risk)
Last night I was getting ready to go over to my friend Tara's house and hang out with a bunch of women. I NEVER do anything, especially by myself, so I was especially excited to get out of the house on a Friday night, and know that Ryan was cool with watching Braeden all night.
I am laying on the couch, waiting for Braeden to wake up from his nap so I could start taking my shower. I have a bad cough and was in one of my spasms, when I felt like something was weird ... ya know. I didn't think much about it, except for the fact that I had just been watching this show on TLC "I didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Obviously I know, but I was making jokes in my head thinking, how funny would it be if I were in Labor... (thinking back, not very funny at all)
So I jump in the shower, and things start to feel really weird ... literally, I thought I was going to have the baby in the tub ... what the ..?? So I jump out, call Ryan (who was at the bar by the way) and tell him he has to come home right now. He gets home, and I am crying, I don't know what to think, I am on the phone with Boone Hospital who is yelling at me to get on my back, put my feet up and call 911! Oh hell .. at this point ... I just have NOOOO clue what to think. Ryan finally gets home and looks, and calls the hospital back to describe what he sees. And they determine over the phone that it is my water sac, and it's getting ready to break.
They originally tell us that we need to get to a hospital here in Jeff, but there was no way ... oh no, I am not going here. So Ryan is driving 100 mph down the highway, there are tornado warnings everywhere, the rain is so heavy we can hardly see the road, and I am thinking to myself ... now I am going to have this baby in the car. Ryan continues to call the hospital to let them know where we are, and they let us know they have everything ready for me ... and the baby warmer is all ready. CRAZY, because it would not have been a good thing, I am still 2 months out. So this is when I start texting some close friends and letting them know that we are having the baby ... duh, cause this is what everyone is telling me.
We pull up to the ER, I get wheeled immediately to maternity, and literally, I was laughing because I stood up from the chair to move to the bed, and I had four women ripping my clothes off ... no Modesty, I swear.
Turns out I had a cyst, that was just really bad, and they had to take it out. Before they did that, I had to get an IV, monitor the baby, routine pelvic checks, etc. The baby was fine, and everything turned out alright, except for the fact they still had to remove it. They kept saying it was a small procedure, but there was nothing small about this. I had to go to a different room, I had three nurses in there handing the doc tools, needless to say ... it was so scary. And the worst, is that they could not remove it totally without putting me out. SO, the fun part is, I get to do this all over again AFTER I have this baby ... oh how fun, I can't wait.
So more to come when I have a better understanding of what actually happened to me last night, but I wanted to apologize to everyone for scaring them. No baby yet. He/She is still doing well in the belly, and I am SOOO not ready for it to get here yet. The whole time up to Columbia I was thinking ... I don't even have a bag packed, it took me 20 mins to find the pants I wanted ... I don't have a boy named picked out ... I didn't even have my camera. (Note to Self: Have all of this ready in the next week and have it ready to go!!)

OMG..how scary! And I can't believe during all that they didn't call the baby him or her. What is your girl name??
I know ... it was aweful! But nothing for really anyone else to be scared of, because my doc said she had only seen 3 ... so of course it would happen to me :)
The girl name is either Addison or Ellie :)
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