{Pictures ... Check!}

Thursday, May 21, 2009
After a couple of nights working on Braeden's pictures for his room, I am pleased to say they are DONE! I am so pleased with how they turned out. The only thing left to do is attach a bracket to the back, and have Ryan hang them after he paints (we only have primer up right now.) Let me know what you think. Of course I had to tape them to the wall to see how they will look, so try not to focus on that :)

I used diamond plated sticker that you can pretty much find at any local auto store, it's pretty expensive, but I think it turned out great. I plan on getting frames down the road, but on a limited budget, you do what you can!


Anonymous said...

They look awesome Natalie!!!

jess said...

Those look great! Love the plated stickers!

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