{Baby Update}

Monday, June 15, 2009
Today I went back to the doctor to get my series of tests done & to FINALLY pick a day to have the baby. The baby looked great in the ultra sound and was pretty active during the stress test. I am not sure how they measure that exactly, but the baby was definitely moving around!

Afterwards I went to go see my OBGYN and he said I was still at a 4 ... no surprise there, and decided that we needed to go ahead and induce me at 38 weeks. GRR. I begged for this Saturday, but he wants to wait until next Thursday ... SOOO, we will for sure have a baby on ...

JUNE 25, 2009!

I do have to admit that I was a little upset today, I really thought he would have me come in on Saturday, and to know that I have to wait a whole 10 days kills. SO, I am just going to be doing A LOT of walking this week, and pray I go before then!!

Still don't have a boy name ... a little scary!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe that just means it'll be a precious baby girl!!! :)

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