{Our New Addition}

Monday, June 29, 2009
HE arrived, and is FINALLY here! Yup, I said HE! Bayler Luke Imhoff was born on June 25, 2009 at 1:21 pm. He weighed 7 lbs and 4 ounces and is 21 inches long. Oh, and absolutly the most perfect baby in the world!

Ryan and I went in at 7:00 am to get all settled in, and by eight my water was broken and I was given patosin to start my contractions. Unfortunitly for myself I had asked for my epideral once I could feel the pain pretty bad and guess what? I didn't get it for an hour later, because he was in the middle of a c-section. Not cool, but everything else went really smoothly. After I was given my epideral I actually fell asleep 3 times, and the last time I woke up, the doctor was like ... "let's have a baby." With Braeden I pushed for about 10 mins, and let me tell you, the second one is like a cake walk ... yup, 5 mins later I had a baby in my arms and was IN LOVE! I almost forgot to check to see if it was a boy or a girl :)

The hospital was great, I could have stayed there an extra week just getting waited on, but finally we made it home. I am still getting used to home life, everything is different with two. My mom has been down here every day since to help out, and it has been so nice. I am just scared to have both at the same time, both crying and wanting me to go in two directions ... but I am pretty good with routines, so I will make it work!

Braeden has been such a great big brother. He thinks the baby is pretty cool, and likes to give Bayler lots of kisses! It's so cute! I can't wait for them to be best buddies!

Last but not least, I will leave you with pictures of the new guy! I just love my family ... it's perfect!


Erika Jackson said...

Oh, Natalie. He's just beautiful. I'm so, so happy for you. Enjoy these sweet moments with a brand new little one!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I've been waiting for this post! He is ADORABLE! He looks so much like Braeden! And CUTE name!! And don't worry, life with two isn't so bad once your routine is down! You'll do fantastically! And don't you love that pushing the 2nd time around is a cake walk! I was the same way! 10 minutes with Jacob and 5 with Joshua! It was awesome! So happy for you! So precious!

Mrs. Dirnberger said...

Congrats..he is sooo sweet! I love the name also. I hope mine is a cake walk.haha

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see you all and meet little Bayler!

See ya'll on Friday!

JennyLee said...

He's absolutely precious! Congratulations!

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