First and for most, I am LOVING this new little addition to our family. He is pretty much the best baby in the world ... yep, the world. He never cries, he loves to cuddle, and get this ... he sleeps through the night ... umm, yeah ... beat that! :) I should clarify, I feed at 1:00 am until he is REALLY full, and then just let him sleep until 6 or 7 am. LOVE IT!

I am also so excited to tell you that we are getting some professional pictures taken of Bayler this coming week. We did the same thing with Braeden, and although we have limited funds right now, I would kick myself later in life if I didn't do the same thing for him. They are precious times that I will never get back. Plus, if this is my last, I want to enjoy every last minute!
Throughout the week, there have been so many inspiring blog posts, that I just can't help but share them with you all ...
First being from
A Girls Guide to Shoes. They are called Unicorn shoes by Jeffrey Campbell Michelle ... I just feel in love with the ruffle! Got to add these to my dream shoe list :)

Secondly, I found
this post on Everyday Celebrating. I am loving the idea of having a "Sip & See Party." I only wish I would have seen this post before I had Bayler. What a great idea! I am constantly trying to make time for a million people to meet the little guy, so why not just have a small get together? Brilliant!
Although I am a little late, maybe I can throw one for some of my close friends. LOVE!
Thirdly, have you been to
Kelly's Korner Blog? Each Friday she has a "Show Us Where You Live" tour. People sign up, and each week there is a different part of the house featured, this week it was the guest room. So you are able to click on her followers and see what their guests rooms look like. What a great way to share and get inspiration! Hurry up and get on the list for next week, it's "Children's Parties Week!" I think I will share Braeden's!
Alright, I have saved the best for last.
Here is my inspiration for the summer. I WILL do this in my home, and I am SOO eager to start/try it. I guess my only hesitation would be I am afraid I will mess up, and then have to spend $1000.00 just to replace my mistake ... a little costly. Check out the before and after pictures, but be sure to go to her blog to check out how she did this awesome transformation!