When we got to the YOUzeum, there were a ton of mom's and their children leaving, which led me to believe we would get right in ... WRONG! Apparently, George decided to go on a 45 minute break right before we arrived. So you can imagine all the screaming 3 year old's upset that he wasn't there. Braeden waited so patiently in line, and FINALLY it was our turn to meet George. OMG, you should have seen his face. His eyes were wide open, and the grin alone, made everything worth it! He was giving George Hi-Fives, hugs, kisses, you name it. But when it was our turn to leave, well, let's just say I did not have a happy little boy. Braeden started crying and running to George. Poor guy just didn't understand that once you got your picture taken, you moved aside for the rest of the line. He finally stopped crying after I asked him what George eats, and he quickly said 'nana's?!?' (Bananas for the rest of you!) It was so cute, the back room was set up for snacks for the kids, and of course, they were serving bananas!!
All-in-all, it was a great morning, and I am SO SO SO glad that I was able to take him. He still talks about meeting 'George George!' Love it!

These pics are adorable!
Oh my goodness! Braeden is going up so quickly!! He is soooo adorable! I love the pic of him eating the 'nana!! Too funny!! :)
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