I swear I have been losing sleep over Halloween costumes this year. I don't know why I put so much pressure on myself? Maybe it's because I know I only have a few years before the boys will actually tell me what they have decided to be, and it wont be cute, or innocent, it will probably be some gory hot mess.
After a lot of consideration, I have finally decided what the boys are dressing up as. At first I decided I wanted Braeden to be a fisherman and Bayler to be a fish. (Still think it's a cute idea, but just wasn't for us this year.) Then I thought Braeden would be really cute as a golfer (just like his daddy.) I even found a great costume from Costume Express, and it was a decent price. I quickly decided against that as soon as I started reading reviews, saying it was poorly made, etc. SO ... back to the drawing board.
That's when I realized Braeden didn't know any gory or scary Halloween costumes, so why not just ask him?
This is how our conversation went down ...
Me: "Braeden, what do you want to be for Halloween?"
Braeden: "G George"
Me: "Curious George? Really?"
Braeden: "G George Costume"
Me: "Okay, we'll go tomorrow"
Haha, it was really that easy. He LOVES Curious George, and EVERYTHING is G George. So I went down to the local Old Navy, made Braeden go to the dressing room for the first time, and walked out with a cheap, well made costume. I was SHOCKED!
** I made that seem really easy. It wasn't exactly that easy. As soon as Braeden tried on the George Costume, he thought he looked pretty cool. So cool in fact, he decided he did not want to take it off. After struggling for about 5 minutes in the dressing room, I finally got the costume off of Braeden ... except for the fact he took off his diaper and decided to SCREAM for 5 minutes naked on the floor. Geez, I just love being a mom some times! Needless to say, I left Old Navy, with a costume, and a half naked little boy.
Anyways, after finding Braeden a costume, I still didn't know what Bayler would be ... that is until I saw ... The Very Hungry Caterpillar costume ... I feel in love, and ended up buying the Gymboree Glow Worm costume, which was soo better looking!
There you have it ... two boys, two costumes ...
Now if Braeden didn't cry every time I open his closet because he wants to be G George again ... Halloween needs to get here FAST!

What are your kids going to be this year?