Look who's trying to sit! The picture is pretty blurry because he was starting to lean back, but hey ... it's a start. I am so proud of the little guy!

In other news, I have never read a Harry Potter book, I don't watch the cw, I don't really get into what I call the "Teeny Bopper band wagon." That being said, I did something completely out of my comfort zone ... I watched Twilight.
Now ... I know some of your are mad at me for not reading the book first (have two kids under two and figure that one out.) And I know some of you are wondering if I am going to bash it.
Well, I'm not. I can't say I'm on this "Robert Pattinson" craze, cause I'm not (i don't even find him attractive.) Cody loves the soundtrack ... I can't say I got into it. I don't even know why people are all into the whole vampire thing ... I don't get it. I also don't get why people like imaginary things ....
I did like the movie. I actually liked the movie. I didn't like some of the effects of the movie, but for the most part ... I really enjoyed it. And you know what, I want to see the next movie ... "New Moon." There is something about the movie that attracted me, and now I constantly think about it ... soo ... do not criticize my judgements from before, but instead, pat me on the back for having an open mind. Those of you who know me understand that is not one of my strongest traits.
That's all!