Halloween night we loaded up in the car, my mom came with us, and we headed to a local church to go "Trunk-or-Treating." It was a great alternative for us. We didn't have to go door-to-door, we just literally got to go trunk-to-trunk of people that we trusted. There were no "gory" costumes, nothing to scare the kids, just fun and games!
Braeden went as "Curious George"

Bayler went as "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

They look adorable!!! I can remember raking leaves and jumping when I was small....fun memories for sure you are making
Aww everyone looked so adorable and it looks like you all had so much fun. I am going to try to blog tonight in between doing home work and packing! PS you looked beautiful too!
Your kids are too cute for words!
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