Here is the breakdown of our day ...
7:30 Woke up (TIRED), Clean up house, pack for the day, dress the kids, take a shower, get myself ready, pick up the house today, etc.
11:30 Finally on the road to Columbia to drop of MK to melissa, Mom's house for lunch and for her to watch Bayler
1:00 Leave for the YouZeum, play with Clifford, run around the amzaing facility
2:45 Meet up with a bride and groom at The Blue Note for a site visit/drop off producks
3:15 Drop off registration form for Bridal Boot Camp
4:00 Back on the road home
4:15 Turn around, go pick up a jumperoo I found on craigslist
5:15 Home, pick up, eat dinner, wrap gift, get myself ready again/boys ready
6:00 Natalie's birthday party
8:00 Leave party, head home pissed because my son acts rediculous at play dates
8:30 Braeden's bath, Bayler jammies ... Braeden in bed
9:00 ... SIT DOWN ... oh wait ... Breaeden's out of bed again .....
Anyways, the highlight of my day had to be Braeden interacting with Clifford. He wasn't shy at all. Just walked right up to him, gave him a hug and a kiss, grabbed his hand and told him to come play toys with him ... So CUTE!

Natalie!! I LOVED seeing you today!! Thanks for trying out our church!!! I hope you weren't too overwhelmed! :)
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