The last morning they were here I decided to make cinnimon rolls ... but I'm a mom first, and I didn't make them the night before to let them rise like normal. This recipe is SO easy, ANYONE can do this at a drop of the hat. In fact, I had all of the ingredients in my house already!
Pillsburry Cresent Rolls
Brown Sugar
Powdered Sugar
First you spray your cookie sheet and preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Roll out your cresent rolls and brush on some melted butter. Sprinkle flat rolls with brown sugar and cinnimon and roll up as you would a normal cresent roll. i also brushed on some melted butter on top of the rolls as well. Pop in the oven for about 13 minutes. While you're waiting, mix powdered sugar and milk to your liking, and when the rolls are done, glaze your cinnimon rolls and Wha La ... Easy Peasy Cinnimon Rolls!
Everyone thought they were REALLY yummy!

Yummy!! This is right up my alley...thanks for sharing!! :)
We go to Memorial Baptist Church (across from Capital Region, on Madison St.). We just joined the church about 8 months ago...and we LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! My boys LOVE LOVE LOVE it! They have AWESOME children's programs and our pastor is THE BEST!!! I would LOVE for you guys to come visit!! Service is at 9:15 and then there are Sunday School classes afterwards...let me know if you want to come visit and I will save seats for y'all by us!!! :)
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