It's Almost Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, it's hard to think about anythign else. Today was extremely busy, and I am feeling the pressure! Right now Braeden is a little sicky. He has a bad cold, so dealing with that is enough. We are also on our second day of "potty training". This has been interesting. He is interested in sitting on his potty seat, but when it comes to actually going in there, he will pass. The most funny part about potty training Braeden? It's got to be when I make him sit on his potty seat and tell him to go "pee pee" he just makes the potty sound ... "pppsssssssssss." And then he polietly stands up, pulls up his pants, and asks me for his M&M. HA, what am I going to do with him?

I did manage to find a little time to day to wrap some presents, decorate with jingle bells, and make a cable knit (pink) wine wrap... I couldn't for the life of me find any white cable knit, so I just used an old sweater of mine that I will never wear/fit into again!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! My best guy friend Jared is coming over tomorrow from KC to spend the day/night with us, and I am SUPER excited. Then Sunday the whole gang is packing up and heading to "Great Grandma's" house for Christmas! Can't wait!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the HOHOHO on Bayler's picture!

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