{Merry Christmas from the Imhoffs}

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope all of you were blessed to be with family and friends over the holiday weekend, I know we were. We were crazy busy, but it was a a great kind a busy. Holidays are so much more exciting with the kids then they ever were, that's for sure. Of course Braeden and Bayler were spoiled rotten, just like they should have been :)

I was also spoiled this year. Ryan got me a brand spanking new camera. I had been using this little dinky fuji camera for a while now, and it was just not taking good pictures. It would have been fine if it was just Ryan and I, but I REALLY wanted to capture the kids while they were little and get some great pictures. SO, he got me a Nikon DSLR camera ... words can not describe how much I love this camera ... it's pretty much my dream! And now, everyone in the house has to go along with me and pretend that I am a professional photographer from now on! haha ... I am not close at all, but I tell you, this camera really does make you feel like one!

Here are a few of my favorite photos ... more to come, but I just took these tonight!

Happy Holidays from The Imhoffs!



Anonymous said...

Hooray for a new camera!! Which one did he get you! Love the drool on Bayler! SUCH cuties!!!

Erika Jackson said...

Hooray for the new camera! So glad you have a good camera to take pics of those sweet boys!

Ashley D'Eagle said...

Gosh Nat, they are getting soo BIG!! Hope you and your family had a great Christmas!

southern girl said...

You will LOVE the new camera! YAY to Ryan for the great gift!

The boys are both getting too big -- time for another one!!

Melissa said...

Omg! Look how big little man is getting! Madison needs a play date soon to see her boyfriend!

Melissa said...

Omg! Look how big little man is getting! Madison needs a play date soon to see her boyfriend!

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