The Bridal Solution gave a total of 6 presentations ... ugh, I pretty much lost my voice once it was all said and done. I was in the Old Historic Building on Stephen's campus, and I actually had a room where my booth was all by itself, it was pretty ideal!
I had a lot of people tell me that they loved my enthusiasm, and they didn't' except to be talking to a wedding coordinator about their wedding. Major plus for me! I loved my booth, the brides loved my booth, and overall, it was a great investment! At the end of the day prizes were given away to the brides who stayed ... I am still trying to figure out who won the FREE day-of-coordination. We'll have to wait and see!
Hope to see all you 2011 brides there next year!

Your booth looks great! Hope you get so much business from this venture!! So proud of you!
I agree! Your booth looked great and I KNOW you had a great presentation!
I've always wanted to work in the bridal industry. Your booth looks great and so do you!
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