Finally Some Sunshine

Thursday, January 21, 2010
I don't know about the rest of you, but here in Missouri it has been so dreary and cold, and the fog has been unbelievable. It's hard when you have a really active boy to tell him AGAIN that you are going to stay at home and inside all day. He's way too active for that.

Yesterday the sun came out and it actually warmed up a bit. As soon I could see it shining through the windows, I packed up the kids and took them to the park. I needed to get out of the house just as much as they did I think.

Of course I took my camera and took about a million pictures, but I'll spare you and just show you some of my favorites!

Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!



29th and Delight said...

AWESOME photos! You are rocking that new camera!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Bayler's eyes in that picture! SO handsome! Both of them!

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