We woke up Monday morning early, I got both boys ready to get out of the door, and just before we left, I snapped a few pictures. I realize that they don't stay with us forever, and that we have to let them go to learn and grow ... the fact is, I didn't cry. I think it was the fact that I knew he needed this, he needed to get out there, and he needed to get out of the house as well.
Although I didn't cry, I did get a little emotional. I took the long route to the daycare center, I took an extra long time putting on his clothes, and walking him to he car, packing his bag seemed like forever.
After picking him up on Monday, I realized this was the absolute best decision. He LOVED it, and was excited to go back on Tuesday. He is really truly growing up, and I can't wait to see how he develops in the next couple of months.
While he was there, they read this book (and usually do when there is a new kid in the class.) It's called Llama Llama Miss Your Mama ... It's an excellent introduction for preschoolers about the emotions they might feel while attending preschool without their own Mama.
Here's a preview ...
"Don't be sad, new little llama!
It's okay to miss your mama.
But don't forget -
When day is through,
She will come back to you."
Now all the kids in the class are calling Braeden the "new little llama". Too cute!
ps: and yes honey, after I took the pictures, I did brush his hair! :)

Wow! I had no idea you were even thinking about taking him to a daycare. It will be good for the both of you. I can't believe how big he is. He is such a cutie Nat! Richie & I need to come visit you guys!!
It sounds like he was totally ready for this step. Good luck to all of you with this new chapter!
Your little llama is too cute!!! I don't think I've ever cried taking the boys to their first day of school, but I do know for sure I am an emotional wreck!!!
Ohhh he is getting sooo big!! And, I kind of like his messy hair! Your little llama is a handsome boy!!
Oh my goodness. Braeden looks more and more like you everyday! Little man sure is growing up FAST. I am so proud of you and Ryan for making such a good kid. It is amazing how mature he is! We need more parents like you both!
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