Here is what I made ... Kid's Photo Necklace(s)
Theses necklaces aren't limited to using kids photos, get creative, use your pets, a picture from your honeymoon, a monogram or use a cute piece of scrapbook paper!
Here is what you need ...
Mini Photos of your Kids (Kodak Instant Machines)
Small Square Glass Tiles (Found at Craft Stores)
Black Construction Paper Cut into Tiles
Crystal Effects Glue
Exacto Knife
Fasteners (Craft Stores)
1. First you need to get your pictures into a 1' by 1' (I went to HyVee and used their automatic picture machine, used the mini collage selection, and was able to get my pictures down to a smaller size.
2. I then cut my pictures to 1' by 1'
3. Cut the construction paper to 1' by 1' as well
4. After cutting the paper and pictures, glue the pictures to the construction paper by using the Crystal Effects Glue with a Q-tip.
5. Take your glass tiles, and add glue to the rough side of the tile
6. Glue picture down on glass
7. After glue dries, you may need to use your exacto knife to trip the picture
8. Turn the picture over and cover the construction paper with the glue
9. Add an extra dab of glue on the back for the fastener.
** If any glue gets on the glass, clean it with alcohol.
So super easy! If any of you make some, I would love to see! Add a comment or email for questions! Good Luck & Have Fun!

I LOVE this, totally going to try it!
This is such a great necklace, love how easy it is!
Those little charms are great! Wonderful project!
Thank you so much for linking up with the Talented Tuesday link party at My Frugal Family, which is hosted every Tuesday. Please feel free to stop back in every week and post your newest projects!
These are awesome!
But I have some stupid questions. So you basically glue the picture to the back of the glass facing out (through the glass) with the black construction paper on the back? What is the purpose of the glue on the back of the black paper (other than to hold the bail?) To make it shiny? thanks.
Awww, this is precious! Thanks for sharing!
I love this!!!!! I made a photo charm bracelet with pictures of my son. I'll have to try this. I have also seen these where the solder the frames together. Really cool!!
This is too, too cute!
Thanks for sharing!
Just answering 3xMom ... You glue the picture onto the black cardstock paper. It just makes your picture more thick. Then you glue it on the glass ... so that you can see your picture through the glass. The reason you glue the back (backside of the cardstock) is to give it a shine, make it smooth to touch, but also, if you have to use an exacto knife, by gluing the back, it's adding an extra layer of glue to your picture.
I hope this helps!
Darling! I started making these for gifts during Christmas. They are addicting. My eldest daughter (14) and I have been making them now for all occasions. We use pictures, saint cards, scrap booking papers, and more.
Keep crafting!
Pax - Lena
(listed on my blog under Glass Tile Necklaces)
this is adorable! i love it!
I featured this on my Friday Favorites!!!!
Very cute -- have been making these for a little while now and have found the diamond glaze to go on top seals it really well!
P.S. I'm following you now! :) If you get a chance, check mine out and if you like what you see I'd love to have you as a follower as well!
Adorable! Thanks for sharing!
These necklaces came out great, thanks for the easy instructions!
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