Thought I would join in on a little fun today. Kelly over at Kelly's Korner is hosting: Show Us Your Life: Beauty Tips & Favorite Products ... So, I thought I would share with you my top three favorite products!

I would not, could not live without my MK Night Time Solution. This stuff is the bomb diggity! This product contains collagen, vitamins (A,C,E) and acts like a chemical peel on your face every night, reducing those lines and wrinkles. You literally apply this on after you wash your face before bed, and it does all the work for you. It clears your skin (I promise you will not break out on this stuff!) and it makes your face feel about 300 times smoother and softer. I really couldn't live without this product!
Number 2:

I love, love, love Victoria Secret lip gloss, Beauty Rush. It's awesome. It is goopy and thick, but that's what I love about it. It stays on forever! Believe it or not, this is what I put on my lips before I delivered my two boys because I knew it would last, and my lips wouldn't get dry for hours. LOVE IT!
Number 3:

Since I color my own hair with professional products, sometimes it still comes out a little brassy. I hate that! But Shimmer Lights Shampoo never lets me down. This shampoo is thick and purple. It's really weird to put on, but I put it everywhere and let it sit for about 3 minutes. I rinse out, and my hair is the perfect shade of blonde ... bye bye brassy! If you have blonde hair, and you color yourself, you NEED this product. Check out this post to see how I color my own hair :)

Great Tips! What color of VS Lip Gloss do you like? I bought some from Kiehls the other day and it stayed on for about 5 seconds :(
Ooooh thanks for the tip on MK night-time solution! Oh and I looove me some B&B works lipgloss! I am sooo addicted to it....I have like every flavor LOL
Your boys are just precious....
Love your blog by the way! What is your fav flavor of B&B Lip Gloss?? I love them all....LOL
Have a Great Weekend
Happy Friday
Summer :0)
I forgot all about Shimmer Lights! I used to use that in college! I may have to pick some up!
Thanks for sharing. I am not using a night time treatment so I will have to check into the MK. My sister used to sell MK so I know they have great products... I also agree with you on the lipgloss, I have bought many of those..lol.
Hope you have a great weekend, Your boys are so adorable and I love your pictures in your header!!
Have a great weekend!
I love Rush too, Its a great "go to" lip gloss!
Just found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I might have to try that lip gloss.
Your boys are too cute & love their names!
I will have to agree with you on the Mary Kay products. I am a consultant and I can't live without it.
Love the beauty rush lip tube as well! I have several that I keep all over the place. It's great!
Came across your blog from Kelly's Korner! This is so cute!
I love the beauty rush lip gloss!!! I need to buy some more colors soon! :D
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