Ryan and I got engaged in November of 2007, about two weeks after Braeden was born. It was the most special night of my life. I had said that it was the hardest thing giving my son a last name that wasn't mine. The night Ryan proposed was amazing, he had Braeden involved, and told me he wanted us to all have the same last night ... still brings tears to my eyes. That night, he also surprised me with a beautiful ring. I was extremely surprised too, because I did not pick out a ring like many girls do now. I just told Ryan the cut that I wanted (Cushion) and that was about it.
I wore my ring religiously until I was preggers with Bayler. My fingers swelled and it just became a hassle, so I set it aside until I ran errands or left my house. I still only wear my ring a total of about two times a week. Because I am at home, I am always cleaning, feeding or bathing, and I don't want the ring to get a bunch of
"gunk" in it. So imagine my surprise last December when I realized I was missing a small diamond. I was pretty much horrified! I took the ring in immediately, and they were happy to take the ring and replace the missing stone. It did take a while, a month to be exact, but I received the ring back, re dipped in white gold, and all shiny and new looking. Needless to say, they did an amazing job, took care of me, and it did not cost me a thing.
Now, fast forward a month later. My birthday dinner at Ryan's Grandma's house. Here I was sitting at the table, eating delicious crab legs, and I look down and I am missing FOUR more stones. Oh my gosh, I thought I was going to die. (Yes I am thankful it wasn't my large stone.) That next Monday I took my ring in again, and well ... was a little furious. It had not even been a month yet!! So here is where the story gets good...
Pretty much they told me that my side stones were not on prongs, therefore, this would continue to happen. They were on a tongue and grove system, so if I lost one stone, I would lose many stones. UMMM, not happy. So because they told me this would continue, and I have to drive an hour away to get it fixed, I decided I wanted to look at other settings. Now, let me say this. I LOVE the ring Ryan got me. It was the ring I put on my finger on my wedding day, it was the ring I wore when I had my two kids ... it's beautiful. HOWEVER, while I was looking for other settings, I found the ring of my dreams. Of course it was quite a bit more. So much more that I thought ... well that's not even a possibility! I was frustrated at this point and just told the jeweler to fix my ring, even though I was extremely unhappy with it.
Two days later, ring is still not fixed after they told me 48 hours. The jeweler calls and says it will be a few more days. 6 days pass ... still no ring ... Thursday rolls around and I get this voicemail on my phone...
"Natalie, this is ________, I have tried to fix your ring, but the diamonds will not stay put. I am really sorry about this, I want to make it up to you. You know that ring that you really liked? I would be happy to put your diamond in that setting, and have it ready for you to pick up next week ... does that sound alright?"
UMMMM, YESSSSSSSSSS! I am SO SO SO excited! So this morning, before I went to go pick up my right, this is the message I received ...
"Natalie, this is _________, Your ring is ready to be picked up. It looks amazing, and all I have to say is ... you're going to be one happy girl! Congrats!"
WooWHOOO. Now let me please state that my ring is very symbolic to me. What I consider sentimental is my large stone, the setting can always be changed, but I will never change my center stone :)
So, now I have a brand new ring, and couldn't be happier! Thanks Mr. Jeweler! ... did I mention this one has double the carat weight? :) Happy belated Birthday to ME!
Here is my ring before ...

Here is my new ring ...