Since today is a snow day for most, I thought I would share with you my "deep cleaning" process. It's a chart that I use. I keep it in my cleaning bucket, and it goes through every room until the house is clean. Yep, this is how I am spending my snow day, in hopes that I can get it down now, and enjoy all the snow tomorrow :)
So here it is in all it's glory. I have customized this list a number of times depending on the house I live in, what areas to clean, etc. But this is what I use my my current house now. Feel free to print it off and use it too. I happen to have mine laminated so that I can check items off as I go. BTW: I usually do this every other Monday, and the rest of the days I just "clean up." I found that if I keep this up, then it's easier each time and cuts down on the time!

Happy Deep Cleaning!

How do you clean your hardwood floors? I am having issues with my having smudges on them.
Well, it’s best if they have been sanded, stained and then a good coat of poly sealant. I clean my floors by using a mixture of hot water, murphey's oil & pinesol. It's always worked for me! Oh, and my mother in law swears by it!
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