{Lisa's Closet}

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
i know the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is over, but I just can't get Lisa Vanderpump's Closet out of my head. I REALLY love her mirrored island, which she holds her jewelry. I love this idea so much, I am thinking of DIYing a VERY small replica. I have a white table which center goes down ... if I can find the righ size mirror tiles, I am going to attemp it :) I'll keep you posted!



Megan said...

Ho. Ly. Crap.

This set up is amazing!!! I would die to have something like this. Of course, this is coming from the woman whose husband has more clothes than she does... but, hey, a girl can dream... and I dream in white, chandeliers, and sparkly stuff! Can't wait to see what you DIY! <3

ai policy said...

i know the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is over, but I just can't get Lisa Vanderpump's Closet out of my head. I REALLY love her mirrored island, which she holds her jewelry. I love this idea so much, I am thinking of DIYing a VERY small replica. I have a white table which center goes down ... if I can find the righ size mirror tiles, I am going to attemp it :) I'll keep you posted!
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