Although I cut my hair a week ago, I am just now getting around to blogging about it. It's been a crazy/slow/hard-to-see-the-light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel kind of week. Ryan and I have been down and out with the flu ... it lasted 7 days straight and was awful. We didn't know if it was morning or night, or what day of the week it was. Thank GOD that is over. Not to mention this week was my birthday and our VIP Event for
The Bridal Solution ... not cool!
At least I had a few "pamper me" days in before I got sick. I finally chopped all my hair off, 8 inches to be exact. I love the simplicity of my shorter hair, and the fact it doesn't take me 10 minutes to blow dry anymore!
Here are some before and after pictures ...

Photo taken by
Catherine Rhodes Photographer{AFTER}

Your hair is cute and I LOVE that dress you are wearing!
You are so pretty!
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