If you do not read the
Pioneer Women's Blog ... you are missing out. And if you have not tried her Iced Coffee recipe ... you are missing out even more. To find out how she makes her iced coffee ...
click here.
Now, I am one huge fan of Iced Coffee. It's totally in my head, but every morning I wake up and my body drives to the closest Starbucks or McDonald's to grab their Iced Mocha. So when I saw her post on how to make the perfect iced coffee at home, and how much money I could save on a daily basis ... I knew I had to try it.
Her recipe calls for your favorite coffee ... mine ... is Mocha. I die just thinking of it ... yum! If you're too lazy to jump over to her blog and see how she makes her morning coffee ... here is how I made mine ... and let me tell you ... it's FABULOUS!
Here is what you'll need {to make an iced mocha - my style}:
-favorite coffee
-large container with lid
-strainer/cheese cloth
-chocolate syrup
To get started, pour your desired amount of coffee into the large container. You'll then fill the container with the appropriate amount of water. I used a cup of coffee and filled my container about 3/4 the way full. I took a whisk, and combined the water and coffee until there was nothing left on the bottom. Now you have to wait. Place the lid on your container and place in the refrigerator for no less than 8 hours.

After 8 hours have passed, take out your coffee. There should be a separation. The coffee back on the bottom and the water on top. Take a strainer {possibly a cheese cloth as well, like Ree says} and pour the liquid into a pitcher, leaving behind the coffee remains. I made mine the night before, so I put my iced mocha flavored coffee back into the fridge.

I made my iced mocha by pouring my coffee into a tall glass. I then take milk ... I use 2% and pour into the mocha. I add a small spoonful of sugar, and finally, I add a little bit of chocolate syrup. Stir together well, and add ice ... and you have the perfect Iced Mocha!