{Family Photo Update}

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Now that our family pictures have been rescheduled for this Friday due to weather, I have a bit more time to choose the outfits I want us all to wear. Today I rushed around trying to find the "perfect" accessories.

Does anyone else do this? Stress over the little things? At least I was able to pick out outfits for everyone, I would say the hard part is over. Now, on to jewelry, hair and makeup ... any suggestions?

So, I am a little OCD, I hang the clothes we are going to wear the next day on a rack of their own. I figure this way, if I do begin to run late, Ryan will know EXACTLY what each boy is wearing :)

Don't judge :)


1 comment:

JennyLee said...

Can't wait to see your family pics!

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