Today I had the pleasure of hearing Simon T. Bailey speak about your inner brilliance, or being a "brillianire". It was seriously life changing. Here are a few things that I am taking away after his speech ...
1. "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are that holds you back."
2. "Show me 5 to 10 people in your life, and I'll tell you where you're going."
3. "conformity deprives you of creativity."
You should definitely look him up, you'll be happy that you did. And if you ever have the chance to hear him speak, you'll be forever changed!
Tonight we had an "after party" at a local bar down the street. It was so much fun. Some serious vendors joined ... can you say massage therapist, makeup artist, photo booths and mini cakes ... yup, it was amazing! Here are some fun photos!

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