Meet Murphy

Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Meet Murphy! Our loveable, energetic and sweet new puppy!
He is such a great addition to our family.  To be honest, it is probably the best thing to happen to our family since our hearts will still healing from our other fur babies, which you can read here.

We knew our next puppy would be a golden retriever, but really, I didn't expect it to be this soon.  I was really thinking we would add to our family in the Spring when we moved into our new home.  I knew that would be "best," but Murphy was pulling on our heart strings.

When we were getting ready to leave, we realized that Murphy was born on the day that Tank passed away.  We believe it's fate that Murphy became ours.
He is the perfect addition and ALL puppy!  Don't you just love how puppies are so fluffy, trip over themselves when their running, completely depend on you and the unconditional love they bring?
Our hearts are full!

At only 8 weeks old in these photos, Murphy still has a lot of growing to do!  The boys are going to love growing up with their very own dog.

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