It's MURPHY'S BIRTHDAY! He is now 1 years old! Our sweet, sweet Murphy the kindest, most gentle and loving dog I have ever had. He is also the pickiest eater EVER, unaffected and unmotivated by food at all! You could place a piece of bacon or steak on the ground and he would look at you like you have two heads. He would literally just turn up his nose and walk away. Therefore, unmotivated = no new tricks for this little doggie. That's fine with us though, he just wants to love and be loved. Who could ask for anything more than that!
Happy Birthday Murphy!
For those of you who knew our puppy Tank, this is also the day 1 year ago, the very day Murphy was born, that we had to put him down. I miss him SO much. He was my buddy, my protector and my survivor. We decided to let the balloons go in memory of him. Love you Tank!
I truly believe that there is a greater plan and some things are meant to be. I never would have believed that the day we had to say goodbye to our beloved dog Tank, that a new life would be born, and would join our family? Although we didn't get Murphy until November, I still believe there was something greater than us pulling us in the same direction. It was fate.
Three Ingreident - Vicks Vapor Disks
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Second day of school in and my child comes home sick ... yuck! Just thinking about all those germs at school makes my stomach churn. [Insert gag reflex here]. So no time like any to bust open our DIY at home Vicks remedy. It doesn't get easier than this people. So we have been doing this for a number of years now. Probably since our oldest was 2 or 3. Just about the time they start getting all those sickies from other kids at day care, and our pediatrician actually told us to go out and purchase these. Years ago Vicks actually made these Vicks Disks as I call them. You just plop them in the shower with you and they help to clear all of your sinuses. Genius. Until they stopped making them. SO, I made them at home. Only I used to use eucalyptus oil, which I still do from time to time, but I have found using this one single ingredient speeds up the process.
Three ingredients are all you need ...
1. Baking Soda
2. Water
3. Vicks Vapor Inhalant
Two parts baking soda, 1 part water. Add Inhalant TT. Stir and place in muffin tins. You can either leave these out over night, or if you're impatient like me, then put them in the oven for 23 minutes!
** in this particular batch, I added one drop of lemon to add some citrus in the mix, turned out great, but they do not come out as white as these babies.
The kids think they are fun, they actually don't mind taking a shower with them and little do they know, they are helping them tremendously!
Three ingredients are all you need ...
1. Baking Soda
2. Water
3. Vicks Vapor Inhalant
Two parts baking soda, 1 part water. Add Inhalant TT. Stir and place in muffin tins. You can either leave these out over night, or if you're impatient like me, then put them in the oven for 23 minutes!
** in this particular batch, I added one drop of lemon to add some citrus in the mix, turned out great, but they do not come out as white as these babies.
The kids think they are fun, they actually don't mind taking a shower with them and little do they know, they are helping them tremendously!
Back to School :: Fun Instagram Sign
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
It's back to school for these boys. I seriously can not believe that Summer is over. We had so many plans and dreams and oh ... where did the time go!?!? I am so thankful that I was able to stay home with them over the break and create memories. I love these two so much, it pains me to be away from them. My oldest is now in Second Grade and my baby in Kinder ... so grown up. I am praying they have a wonderful year full of learning and friends.
So I made these cute little Instagram boards in about 5 mins yall! SO easy! You should totally do them for photo booths or events you have coming up in the future! Basically I just used a white board from Michaels and cut out a square in the center. That was IT! Then I added the fun Instagram stuff in Photoshop so I could change it out if I needed to. And, thank goodness I did, because yesterday we found out that Breaden moved classes and has a new teacher now. Super easy fix!
Here's to a brand new school year!
So I made these cute little Instagram boards in about 5 mins yall! SO easy! You should totally do them for photo booths or events you have coming up in the future! Basically I just used a white board from Michaels and cut out a square in the center. That was IT! Then I added the fun Instagram stuff in Photoshop so I could change it out if I needed to. And, thank goodness I did, because yesterday we found out that Breaden moved classes and has a new teacher now. Super easy fix!
Here's to a brand new school year!
Breaden's Recuitment Video :: Horned Frogs
Friday, August 21, 2015
Wow, crazy how when you post a video thinking only your close friends and family will watch and then 1,000 views later, you realize, A LOT of people you do or don't even know have been entertained.
So basically this is Braeden's first year playing Football. He is SO into it! So it wasn't a surprise when his Coach handed him his playbook and his recruitment letter with a "signing bonus" that we would do something BIG. All players here attend a combine where they are ranked. From there, coaches get together and pick their team based on the statistics in front of them and what they need, a lot of them never seeing the kids before. We were fortunate enough that we knew our coach and were selected to be on his team, the TCU Horned Frogs. Our coach is fun and outgoing and handed each child "recruiting papers" and a "signing bonus." Each child was asked to read the team and kid rules and then sign their name. Once signed, they could open their bonus. He said he would love it if we could video tape this ... ummm, if someone tells me to video ANYTHING, I am SO in! Basically already had it planned in my head :) For those of you who know me, this probably does not come as a surprise.
So here is our little video that has seemed to either make a lot of Mizzou fans mad [WE LOVE MIZZOU!] and or make people laugh! It's only for fun peeps, we still bleed Black and Gold!
So basically this is Braeden's first year playing Football. He is SO into it! So it wasn't a surprise when his Coach handed him his playbook and his recruitment letter with a "signing bonus" that we would do something BIG. All players here attend a combine where they are ranked. From there, coaches get together and pick their team based on the statistics in front of them and what they need, a lot of them never seeing the kids before. We were fortunate enough that we knew our coach and were selected to be on his team, the TCU Horned Frogs. Our coach is fun and outgoing and handed each child "recruiting papers" and a "signing bonus." Each child was asked to read the team and kid rules and then sign their name. Once signed, they could open their bonus. He said he would love it if we could video tape this ... ummm, if someone tells me to video ANYTHING, I am SO in! Basically already had it planned in my head :) For those of you who know me, this probably does not come as a surprise.
So here is our little video that has seemed to either make a lot of Mizzou fans mad [WE LOVE MIZZOU!] and or make people laugh! It's only for fun peeps, we still bleed Black and Gold!
Old Fashioned Brownies via The Pampered Mom
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Super Easy Old Fashioned Brownies
1.5 cups of flour
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup oil
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
TT powdered sugar
Mix all ingredients [except powdered sugar] together on medium speed for a minimum of four minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Let cool, then dust with powdered sugar when complete
The Pampered Mom's Mimosa Bar
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
I don't know about you, but I wake up dreaming of a mimosa bar waiting for me in the kitchen, however, most days I am awaken by crashing cereal bowls and spilled milk ...
Here's a quick easy setup that only takes a few minutes to throw together on the rare occasion you do have something to celebrate. Invite the girls over, set up a quick mimosa bar and hire a few cosmetologist to come over and pampered your friends. For me, most evenings are spent rushing around after school to dinner, sports and finally home to finish homework before starting the kids nighttime routines. Instead of trying to get the calendar to work for an evening with all your girlfriends, start thinking mornings! ... oh and mimosas!
via The Pampered Mom
Migraines + Magnesium
Monday, August 10, 2015
You all know that I don't often blog about health related topics. Truth be told, I am not an expert nor live my life as healthy as I would like, therefore, not an expert in the field. But today is different. I have been struggling with Migraines for over 15 years, only to find they are getting worse as the years go on. I am talking about the debilitating, unprovoked, nauseous, can't lift a finger headache that consumes my life without warning ... MANY times a month.
Here's the straight up truth as I know it. I get migraines usually twice a month, not related to my menstrual cycle, therefore, VERY hard to predict when one will hit. And hit they do. Within moments I know I am getting one, I immediately know there is nothing I can do but to let it run it's course. These things are for sure ... I will get very hot, sweaty, I will start to have a hard time communicating, driving is almost impossible [I have gotten sick in my car more times than I can count,] I will, without a doubt, get sick, and then I need a DARK, QUITE room to sleep until morning. For me, 90% of my migraines happen after 5:00 PM. For those that begin in the daytime, usually involves the sun.
I have done a TONE of research on migraines, trying to figure out my triggers and then removing them from my diet or routine. These have included, wine, soda and direct sunlight. Each of these for a while has helped, but they certainly don't eliminate the migraines entirely. It's almost as if once my body realizing I am starving it of a certain trigger, it will immediately find something else to gravitate towards. SO frustrating.
I have gone to the doctor many times over the years to try and get a prescription, or something I can take immediately once one begins. Most doctors will tell me to try extra strength ibuprofen first, and then once I try that, then come back and tell them if it worked or not. IT NEVER WORKS! And seriously, I don't have time to come back and talk about migraines. When you don't have them, you really aren't thinking about them all the time, at least in my experience. Finally a few months ago, I tried speaking with a neurologist. This individual was quick to write a prescription, however, problem was, it didn't help me. I HATE taking pills and medicines, just because it's more of a hassle than anything. The very next day I felt a migraine coming on, I quickly popped what I thought was my magic pill ... and nothing changed. Same symptoms, still extremely ill and sick. SO what was next?! I could go down the list of prescriptions and maybe one would eventually work, OR I could starting taking things into my own hands.
After staying up what seemed like all night, I read an article about Magnesium Deficiency and Migraines. Basically that a lot of migraine sufferers are deficient in magnesium, and if they would eat more foods known to be high in Mg, they may begin to see a change. I was willing to try anything!!! Guess what? I have not had a single migraine since I started eating foods with high magnesium and taking a supplement daily. Seriously ... gone. Not even a symptom. How is this even possible?!
It is thought that magnesium plays an important role reacting to blood vessels in the brain. Along with affecting the blood vessels, Mg is known to also affect our nervous system, muscle tissue, and heart health. I am not a doctor, SO, before you start taking any supplement, or anything for that matter, you really should consult your physician. All I can say is that I am healthy, I feel great, I am taking my magnesium supplement daily, along with 30 minutes of exercise a day and I have never felt better! Are you one of the people like me who is magnesium deficient? How would you love to get ride of migraines?! Maybe magnesium is the answer? Good Luck!!
Here's the straight up truth as I know it. I get migraines usually twice a month, not related to my menstrual cycle, therefore, VERY hard to predict when one will hit. And hit they do. Within moments I know I am getting one, I immediately know there is nothing I can do but to let it run it's course. These things are for sure ... I will get very hot, sweaty, I will start to have a hard time communicating, driving is almost impossible [I have gotten sick in my car more times than I can count,] I will, without a doubt, get sick, and then I need a DARK, QUITE room to sleep until morning. For me, 90% of my migraines happen after 5:00 PM. For those that begin in the daytime, usually involves the sun.
I have done a TONE of research on migraines, trying to figure out my triggers and then removing them from my diet or routine. These have included, wine, soda and direct sunlight. Each of these for a while has helped, but they certainly don't eliminate the migraines entirely. It's almost as if once my body realizing I am starving it of a certain trigger, it will immediately find something else to gravitate towards. SO frustrating.
I have gone to the doctor many times over the years to try and get a prescription, or something I can take immediately once one begins. Most doctors will tell me to try extra strength ibuprofen first, and then once I try that, then come back and tell them if it worked or not. IT NEVER WORKS! And seriously, I don't have time to come back and talk about migraines. When you don't have them, you really aren't thinking about them all the time, at least in my experience. Finally a few months ago, I tried speaking with a neurologist. This individual was quick to write a prescription, however, problem was, it didn't help me. I HATE taking pills and medicines, just because it's more of a hassle than anything. The very next day I felt a migraine coming on, I quickly popped what I thought was my magic pill ... and nothing changed. Same symptoms, still extremely ill and sick. SO what was next?! I could go down the list of prescriptions and maybe one would eventually work, OR I could starting taking things into my own hands.
After staying up what seemed like all night, I read an article about Magnesium Deficiency and Migraines. Basically that a lot of migraine sufferers are deficient in magnesium, and if they would eat more foods known to be high in Mg, they may begin to see a change. I was willing to try anything!!! Guess what? I have not had a single migraine since I started eating foods with high magnesium and taking a supplement daily. Seriously ... gone. Not even a symptom. How is this even possible?!
It is thought that magnesium plays an important role reacting to blood vessels in the brain. Along with affecting the blood vessels, Mg is known to also affect our nervous system, muscle tissue, and heart health. I am not a doctor, SO, before you start taking any supplement, or anything for that matter, you really should consult your physician. All I can say is that I am healthy, I feel great, I am taking my magnesium supplement daily, along with 30 minutes of exercise a day and I have never felt better! Are you one of the people like me who is magnesium deficient? How would you love to get ride of migraines?! Maybe magnesium is the answer? Good Luck!!
What's your Children's Nightly Routine?
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
It's something so mundane for us, the nightly routine before bedtime, rarely thought about, it's just more of a motion for us. I took a photograph last night of Bayler sneaking out of his room. I had caught him a few times before, so I quickly grabbed for my camera before he tried it again. The photo alone got a lot of attention on social media. It was a black & white, still frame photo, but I believe showed true innocence of my Bear.
It gave me a thought, of capturing, in black and white our nightly routine. SO, although I was one step away from the emergency room from pain [another story for another time] I quickly documented the boys. I got a few weird looks at first, but the camera was quickly forgotten.

What are you and your kids nightly routines?
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